Monday, March 17, 2008


Most people get married believing the myth that marriage is a beautiful box full of all the things they have longed for: companionship, sexual fulfillment, intimacy, friendship. The truth is that marriage, at the start, is an empty box. You must put something in before you can take anything out. There is no love in marriage; love is in people, and people put it into marriage. There is no romance in marriage; people have to infuse it into their marriages. A couple must learn the art and form the habit of giving, loving, serving, praising--keeping the box full. If you take out more than you put in, the box will empty.

Thanks for filling my box for the last 4 awesome years Pig! I love you so much and appreciate all that you do for me and our family. Pretty awesome that we met 9 years ago and sealed the deal 4 years ago. Its fun to look back on all of our memories and also hard to remember my life without you in it. Thanks for being my best friend. Thanks for making me smile. Thanks for taking care of me. Thanks for being silly with me. Thanks for being a wonderful father. Thanks for being you. Thanks for choosing me to be your eternal bride! You have stolen my heart!!!I LOVE YOU!!!


Taylor Family said...

Very Poetic, Very Passionate, Very Beautiful, Very well Put. Happy Anniversary you guys. Love being part of you. Tear came to my eye when i read it.

Tahnie said...

Hey guys! I'm so glad a found your blog! Small world huh? I loved this post you are both so cute.

Tahnie said...

By the way I'm going to put you on our link list if that's ok?